
Memories and Places



4 Years
01-31-2014, 04:32 PM

Baldur was trailing behind, kept silent by the bat carcass he still held i his mouth. He bit down when it twitched or when he found Loki particularly annoying. For the most part though he trailed behind like a wandering ghost, occasionally disappearing off on his own only to appear again behind the group. There really wasn't much he could do to help. He supposed he could've made more of an effort to shut Loki up but so rare was it to see the ebony male actually helping someone he decided he didn't want to spoil the moment. Even if that brute was Hati.

Stifling a growl he bit down harder on his unfortunate chew toy, only for one of the wings to fling up and smack him in the face again. He gave the creature another good shake, sending blood and bits around him in a little halo before continuing to follow. Baldur's feeling toward his brother Hati had always been tempestuous and mostly bitter. Why though? It was difficult to sort out. Hati was a murderer, a raging , self-centered brute that looked far to much like their father for Baldur's liking. But he had freed them in a way. Hati slew their oppressive father? and then abandoned the lot of them to Vili and Ve.

He didn't know how to feel about Hati's injuries. So when the brute slid to the ground, Baldur stood there for a moment before setting down his bat. Something stirred in the center of him and he tried not to care, he really did. Licking the excess blood off his maw he let out a short howl for help then looked at his brothers and shrugged. "Worth a shot I suppose." Picking up his bat he flopped down on his side and batted at it much like a pup. Intent on ignoring any negative feelings or emotions that clung to the group or to Hati. He just wasn't ready to deal with this.