
Something Is Going On

Aria I


01-31-2014, 04:58 PM

Within moments an ear would swivel to the side at the sound of footsteps, head slowly turning, green orbs meeting Siarvon's form. He asked if it was bad and if the storm would come any closer, which would make the woman give a small shrug of her shoulders. She wasn't too sure, the weather was quite unpredictable like a child, she could give a prediction only for the skies to go against and so the opposite. They would have to wait and see. "I have no idea Sar... I would like to think it will keep its distance and not cause any trouble near us." She spoke in gentle tones before a light sigh.

Eyes would close for a brief moment, taking in a breath as her stomach began to turn. They would open however as she felt warmth at her side. He asked if she was alright, that she seemed off. The woman would smirk as the man showed his concern, pressing her nose gently into his neck and giving a small nod of her head. "I am quite alright... just feeling tired is all." Of course he would see through her lie, but Aria didn't care, she didn't want to worry him. She was just feeling early signs of a cold, probably from eating a bad piece of prey. Nothing serious.


Awesome table by Shelby <3