
Wake Up Call


01-31-2014, 10:16 PM

He had found his family! He had somehow managed to find other Black wolves. The rumors had turned out to hold truth and the gargantuan was more than overjoyed. He wasn't alone anymore. He knew who his family was. Or at least who some of them were. From what Angel and Twig had told him, there were still several other siblings that he had yet to meet, pretty much all of them younger than himself. He was beginning to think that he was one of the eldest, if not the only eldest Black in the Clan as of now, unless his parents were still alive somewhere. Regardless of how old he was in regards to the rest of his family, the man was just glad that he had been able to meet them. Having found Angel and Twig gave Pulsus hope that he would begin to run into more Blacks around this place called Alacritis and that hopefully soon he would have a gathering with all of his siblings. He would have his family back soon.

Since finding Angel and Twig, everything just looked more...beautiful. The man was suddenly more appreciative of the world around him. Though his joy didn't mean he was going to start prancing around like a pup, howling his happiness, there was a change in his features, a light in his mismatched eyes that wasn't there before. Life was changing and it was changing for the better. The early morning sun crested over the horizon, bathing the waking world in a warm golden glow, chasing away the shadows of the night. He had stumbled across a plain, broad and flat as far as the eye could see, with no trees in sight, just what appeared to be endless miles of undisturbed grass. And with the coming spring, the grass was lush and full, waving gently in the morning breeze. Pulsus would stand in the middle of field, or at least where it seemed to be the middle, just enjoying the view. His ghostly ivory and sooty fur was tossed back and forth and all around, but he didn't mind. It was a beautiful morning after all and a little wind couldn't dampen his mood.

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