
We stand together, in a crowd


01-31-2014, 10:28 PM

He had heard the woman's call, summoning the pack's warriors for a training session with the newly appointed digamma Vahva. He probably wasn't required to attend, but as the current Valhallan Heir, the young Adravendi thought it proper that he should attend every and all pack events, whether they were his area of specialty or not. Not only that but he had some new for Chrysanthe that probably would be something she should know; he had been her best friend after all, from what he'd gathered and heard. With that in mind Gael would move purposefully towards the sound of the call, ceruleans holding no visible emotion. Though it was good to keep his skills up, the scars from the war still a constant reminder that he had much to learn, the news that he was about to deliver to his aunt weighed heavily on his mind. It reminded him of Cairo's death...It had been a tough time for all the Adravendi's, perhaps more so for others. Though Gael hadn't known his adopted grandfather that much, he still loved the man. He was his kin and his loss had been felt deeply. He could only imagine how his aunt would feel at the news of her friend's death.

Powerful limbs would bring the young man into the clearing, gaze falling across the figures of several wolves, his sisters and aunt's standing out the most. He would give a curt nod to all present, giving Guin a half smile in greeting before he would move to his aunt's side, a somber expression taking hold of his features as he pulled up beside her. Jaws would part, ready to deliver the news but nothing would come out. Was this the right time to tell her?

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