



01-31-2014, 10:55 PM

Some day his power would come crawling back, a new glint within it?s hazardous gaze and hackles lifted into a ferocious snarl. Eventually, it would shed his blood in the same way he had to so many, and it would wield the King to its wishes; tame him, or kill him. But for now, Isardis bore a chain proudly against his palm, Power heeling obediently by his side, chained to him and all he requested. So for now, he would abuse it as he always promised when it had pleaded it?s loyalty to him. He had seen the silver siren in battle, watched as she felled so many foe?s before her. Then, her talent had been wasted beneath the rule of a crazed wench, but now she was his; and to hell if he wasn?t going to show her off.

Her lips would contort into an enticing show of her approval, and the cravings to pull himself closer to her would become strong; a pulsing beneath his skin to make contact with the she-wolf in a show of his superiority. And yet Artemis would not be wholly pushed over within his mind, for he knew her capabilities, and as measly and pathetic as it seemed within the mind of a sovereign, he would tread lightly in her presence; far too crazed and lured by her magnificence to risk becoming the target of her thrashing. She was ambitious, ?Oh?? he chuckled weakly, musing upon her mischievous suggestions, ?I am not a man for surprises,? he warned momentarily, pale lips fluttered with devious desire, ?But I never settle for less.? It was his way of giving her approval, whatever loitered her mind it was likely he would support. But what could it be, would she keep him guessing?