
If Your Not In It For Love, I'm Outta Here



8 Years
01-31-2014, 11:03 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2014, 06:05 PM by Nalyda.)
The grey colored femme wandered through the land, not knowing where she was or how she got there. Her ruby colored orbs scanned the perimeter for any signs of life; knowing very well that the land was completely dry and not very well at producing much of anything. A sigh left the Canis Lupus' vocal region as her cords rattled slightly from the sound escaping them and out into the open world. "Where the hell do I go now?" she asked herself and lied her belly onto the hills. She had been gone away from her first pack for a very long time. The she-wolf missed her family and wished she could see them again, but she knew she couldn't approach her old pack without getting killed. Nalyda placed her cranium onto her white colored paws and rested her eyes for a couple minutes, before opening them back up, shifting her orbs to look up at the deep, blue sky that showed wisps of clouds, but no puffy ones that could produce rain or even a shape. How the femme wished for a companion to keep her company, to keep the loneliness from eating her alive again. All she had was her thoughts, and that was not enough for her to live on. A tear trickled down from her cheek and onto the barren land that held her form. Was this what she came all this way for? She hoped not, and she was not giving up on herself or finding a mate any time soon. She was strong and determined, but, no matter how she may try, she will make it through this eventually, hopefully with a friend.