
Wake Up Call


01-31-2014, 11:21 PM

The mammoth had thought himself to be alone in the vast field, having scented no one when he'd arrived, but as the sun began to rise higher into the sky, lighting up the plain, he would realize that he was mistaken. A figure of ivory, nearly identical to his own save for his sooty marks, could be seen at a distance, looking very much like something otherworldly, heavenly even. He would watch the figure with sudden interest as it bounded forward, moving through the field as if it were floating. He would watch in quiet fascination, unable to quite comprehend how the creature that he now identified to be a wolf, could do such a thing in such an environment. Sure, wolves were the top predators for the most part, but the titan was sure there were bound to be other creatures around who were possibly bigger and badder than any wolf around and yet this wolf didn't seem to care. It was...odd. But not in a bad way. It was a good different he supposed.

And then the wolf's dash through the grass (that rhymed XD) would come to a stop and a passing breeze would bring a scent along; female. So the creature was a she-wolf. She was close enough that details were clear to him now and he could see that her eyes were a lavender, much lighter to his dark amethyst. Were purple eyes a common thing around these parts, or was it just something particular to white wolves? He would never know. Her soft voice would breach across the expanse between them; clearly she had detected his presence. Goodmorning to you ma'am. He would call out, hoping that he would come off as friendly. He didn't look that big at a distance, though if she were to come closer, that was sure to change.

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