
One Of Us Is Going Down


02-01-2014, 12:11 AM
{{Ooc:: Yumpy and I have decided that this fault will not allow defaults. Thank you. :3}}

Come at me bro...
Small paws would lead the female to the bloodstained lands she had heard about from a loner. The Battlefield. The female was mostly just curious about the place, though she was secretly hoping that she might meet someone to challenge to a spar. The female still wanted to prove her worth, her strength, her readiness and willingness to do what it took to be, in her mind, a proper member of the family. The whole 'runt' thing, even though it had been quite some time since Weth said it, still stuck in Akemi's mind like a parasite. It haunted her brain... demanding that she prove herself. Demanding that she prove she wasn't some weak, worthless, whelp he couldn't take care of things on her own. She had to prove it to her family, she just had to! The small female would frown deeply as she took in the scents around her. The place was surely used for battles and the like, but it didn't seem too many souls were here today. The female would let out a disappointed sigh.

Would nothing at all in this world go right for her? The female would flick one ear in irritation. Perhaps she should go back and try and find Tyr again. She found she actually didn't mind his company. He was the only wolf she knew that could understand the disappointment in being so small. They were the exact same height, though she was smaller in general... but the fact that he was so skinny evened things out in that aspect. Akemi would look around again, swishing her tail for a moment. It would have been such a waste to come to this territory just to turn back now. Maybe... if she howled someone might respond to the challenge. So with that the cream and brown wolfess would lift up her muzzle to the sky and requested for someone to come be her partner in a spar. She wasn't in the mood for anything more at the moment.

Akemi vs Eyfura


Round: 0 of ???

-None. Fight not started.

-None. Fight not started.

-None. Fight not started.

[Image: akemi_bot_zpsa37091eb.jpg]