


02-01-2014, 01:42 PM

Being around so many mothers and pups had made the cruel woman soft. She was normally a harsh bitch without much emotion, but Glaciem had changed her. For the good? No one knew. She was confused, yet she just went with the flow of things. There was no point in worrying to much, people who worried to much annoyed her. Six lived life by the day, she did not worry about the future. Everyone faced struggle, pain, and terror. There was no stopping it. So why try to avoid it when it was inevitable? Those purple orbs stared down at the boy as he spoke. The black and white girl nodded softly, to reassure him. Six had some weird connection to him, but it was nothing more then a motherly thing.

The woman looked around as he began to speak again. Six shrugged softly. Why was she there? The bitch liked to explore, to know her home. To know every inch of it. In case packs go restless and decided to attack, raid, or start a war. The bitch would not let such happen. The woman was devoted to her pack. Those ebony jaws parted to let forth her lovely voice, "I was just doing some exploring, little one. Every Wolf should know their pack's territory. I was also doing some hunting." Six kneaded the earth below her massive paws idly. She smiled, "Wanna hunt with me? I can show you some tricks." The behemoth tilted her head, waiting for an answer.