
Heartbeat Of The Glade



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-01-2014, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-01-2014, 02:55 PM by Erani.)

The snowy Theta lay stretched out beside Cairo?s resting place, sunlight dappling her pale fur with brighter spotlights. As of now, her eyes were closed, hiding the deep blue pools. She gathered no herbs today, as she didn?t know if there would be any good dens in the pack land Chrysanthe had chosen. So today, she relaxed, soaking up the warm sunlight of late spring. She was old, but that didn?t bother her. She had lived a long life, and still had some time ahead of her.

Her only regret was the missing children. Her children. A subtle fear that she might never see the sons and daughters that had wandered away. Nova? He was gone, and she knew, in her heart of hearts, that he would never be back. He was a chapter in her life that was closed. A slow sigh whispered from her nose, undertoned by a soft hum, as her ears lazily flicked to and fro, sending a fly buzzing away. Now that her brother as safely back, she could turn her mind fully to the future. Would Friction come to the pack, and bring his mate and pups with him?

She intended to leave the slightly younger male with her title, him or Cael. Friction had the greater experience? She stretched, toes stretching wide apart before her body relaxed again. Preston had gone again, from what Surreal had told her. That boy was ever the adventurer. Perhaps it was just his calling. To wander the world and learn. Her mind turned to her youngest born son, Gabriel, a pang of sadness clenching her heart in its jaws. She hoped her son was alright, wherever he was in the world. She also thought of Castiel, who had been with his father on a learning journey. Would she ever see him again? Or Lyric? She thought she had glimpsed her uniquely marked youngest daughter at the meeting before the move..

Erani?s mind wandered through a forest of thoughts, eventually returning to the beginning of the original path. She would need to speak with Friction and Eria, and soon. Cormalin was ready to head home, and he wasn?t leaving until she was beside him, whether or not the others wanted to come.