
To The Grande


02-08-2013, 12:42 PM


Walking, walking. It's all they ever did anymore. Occasionally he would traipse ahead of his siblings, and other times he'd lag behind depending on if anything interesting was nearby that he had to check out. Overall though, the three little wolf pups trotted along like obedient little ducklings, all the while wondering why in the world these two adult wolves had chosen to 'adopt' them, as they called it. Maverick knew his mother and father were gone, and that these two had taken their place.. but why? Why would any adult wolf want to take them in? It wasn't even like they were a part of Talutah and had a good reason to! However, Maverick's little mind didn't think on these subjects for too long at a time. He had better things to be thinking about, like why that bug looked the way it did, and why his siblings acted the way they did. The russet and white boy's rump hit the ground thankfully when Gerhardt gave the signal to stop. He was grateful for the break, it seemed like they'd been walking all day long. Still, the walking beat that one day they'd run for hours. That had been the first day they were all together, the day his mother and father had died. He didn't like to think about that day, and shook his head with a furrowed brow as Gerhardt walked off first, followed by Adette.

They were alone. Maverick liked it when they were alone, there weren't so many eyes and ears watching and not so many mouths telling them to be still, or be quiet, or come here, or anything like that. Olive eyes turned to his ivory sister who was fidgeting. As she spoke up Maverick yipped in approval, not bothering to see what his brother's reaction was. Valkis could be fun at times, but other times he wasn't. His tail wagged back and forth excitedly as he came up beside his sister and walked a few paces ahead of her, crouching low as they approached the top of the hill that concealed Gerhardt and Adette from their prying little eyes. As he crouched, Maverick's ears instinctively flattened against his skull and his wagging tail quieted itself and lay limp on the earth. He curled his head to the side slightly, looking at his sister. Can't hear nothin' from here.. les' go closer. With that, he inched his way forward, not bothering to think that his russet coat would make him stand out like a sore thumb on the backdrop of the grassy hill. Ah well, how much trouble could they get in anyway?

However, as he moved closer, he noticed Adette seemed upset about something. Maverick instinctively shrunk back to his previous position. She sees us! He looked around, trying to come up with a reason as to why they had been eavesdropping. Just then he noted something peculiar in a tree not too far off. It had funny colors, but they were close in range with Maverick's own coloring. The pup's lip curled and he tensed up slightly, the fur bristling on his back. Adette came near and Maverick spoke up. There's somethin' in that tree.