
All That Glitters


02-01-2014, 09:04 PM
The midday sun was bright in the sky. Cheerful enough, but hardly interesting. She'd seen the sun enough times to know it rose faithfully everyday... but she was young enough to worry sometimes when it set whether it would really return to its post to warm and protect the earth. They were but the worries of a child - And I am not a child that should worry so childishly anymore. The young woman's gait was a brisk trot. The sunshine was enough to lighten her heart just a little; she'd felt grim these past few days. Her tongue was lolling freely from her jaws, its pink a bright contrast to the grey of her pelt. It disappeared when she noticed the grass underpaw changing.

Gwyndolyn's senses betrayed nothing unusual, but the landscape seemed different here somehow. Not just that it was a flat plateau. She thought it smelled just a little different, but she couldn't really pinpoint anything... Thus her steady trot slowed to a tentative walk, her head lowering to betray the form of a wolf who was alert and uncertain. When nothing happened immediately however, her head lifted again and her pace began to pick up. In this way she continued for some minutes until she caught a flicker of something in her peripheral. Her movement ceased as surely as if she had hit a wall, her entire body turning on a dime to point her in the direction of that glimmer. Gwyn almost dismissed it at first: she saw nothing. But when she began to turn away she saw the light again and froze, head whipping around... and there! Something was most definitely catching the sunlight. But it wasn't water... nor was it like those unusual polished rocks one might find in caves... it was something else.

Little enough could contain Gwyndolyn's need to investigate this oddity. Almost of their own accord her paws pressed her forward until she stood where the culprit could be found. It was a small shining object, perfectly round and colored not unlike her own steely pelt. When she lowered her head to smell it, it was sharp and acrid... like nothing she had ever smelled before. Unable to contain herself, she cautiously pressed a paw to the disc - it was warm from the sun... and dirty. Was this really her shining thing? Well, curious as it was, it didn't appear to be of any use to her. She gave it a quick, curious lick. Maybe it was edible? It was unlikely given its scent but why not try? No - it tasted awful. Gwyn cringed, her tongue flicking out several times before returning to its proper place. Useless. Shinier now, but useless. Giving it one disdainful push with her dark nose, Gwyndolyn moved away as quietly as ever, a little disappointed it hadn't been anything more... interesting. Or helpful.