
All That Glitters


02-01-2014, 10:50 PM
Gwyndolyn wanted to leave well enough alone; there was a sense of something having been here long ago - of something having happened. And, Gwyn thought, whatever left that strange, silver-shining-thing... who - or what - would make such a thing?

...and that is when Gwyndolyn decided that she was, perhaps, not quite as finished with the disappointing shiny-thing as she had first thought. She was already several lengths away when she came to a stop yet again and turning herself like a soldier at her post, she started marching back toward the glinting treasure. It was only after turning - only after her eyes took in the (rather hard-to-miss) form of another - that Gwyndolyn became at all aware there was anyone in the vicinity. Caught off-guard, the grey woman gave a little start, her fur bristling with a mind of its own. She stood still as a stone, her green eyes wide, tail straight out behind her. She tried to take stock of the situation - tried to determine if this wolf could be friend or foe or... neither.

Gwyndolyn wasn't afraid. She wasn't inclined to be vicious. But whoever this (odd) contrasted wolf was, she had come upon Gwyndolyn as if out of no where. Gwyn never smelled her, heard her... and for a moment she was all too aware of her own inexperience. She liked to think she had grown beyond stupid mistakes in her (immensely long) two years of life. Clearly not.

So there she stood, watching the stranger with wide, waiting eyes. She made no verbal greeting, and it seemed she might do nothing for the longest time before, slowly, she placed a forepaw forward and she waved her tail in gentle greeting. Her coat still bristled just the slightest bit but that would right itself in time.