


02-02-2014, 12:28 AM

He felt it unnecessary to trifle in pack matters. They mattered little to him, but at the fall of Morphine he had found himself keeping distance while at the same time maintaining a nearness to his spawn, and the spit-fire of a daughter, Morphine had whelped. It was no wonder when he heard the summons of the woman, that he would attend to witness what was to come. The white brute ambled with an uncaring swag and air towards the battlefield though inside his mind was practically burning with curiosity. Emerging into the field, he noted that a large crowd had arrived, though he glanced at them, his eyes sought out the white dame. Once he had her in his sights, he moved towards her, his posture relaxed. Glancing about he saw his son, Cerberus, and the albino wolf he had witnessed at the down-fall of Morphine, a large pool of strangers, and a... horse?

The albino moved towards an oddity, a blue maned creature, a skirmish he would ignore. Instead he would move towards the youth of his child and nearer to the white dame, his bi colored eyes moving to focus on her. He didn't really care what was going on, but he willed her win. He would not do well to see the spit-fire lose. Coming to a halt by his son, he would fold himself into a seating positon a teasing tone leaving his jaws, directed at the daughter of Morphine. "Make mommy proud, pet." Though the words would seem to be a taunt, they would be lightly spoken. He wouldn't speak loudly, his tones low, sure the words would carry to her. Seriously he would gaze at her, his body tense as he waited to see the battle that would unfold. It mattered not to him, why she had called the other beauty there, all that mattered now, was seeing Artemis win. And she would win.