


02-02-2014, 12:38 AM

Those purple orbs narrowed as more of the opposing pack filled in. She looked around, her hackles itched to raise. The bitch would not speak, but oh did she want to shut some of them up. The black and white behemoth watched the white wraith before her eyes turned back to Isardis, he seemed a bit restless. As she felt eyes on her, Six heard pad falls coming her way. The ebony dame turned her head to see her Queen slither in. Six dipped her head into a polite bow as her tail swept to her side. "My Queen." Her luxurious voice filled the air quietly before Sendoa began to speak. Six listened with a soft smile that slipped across her lovely lips. She had saved Kyrast indeed, but she thought nothing more of it. "I was doing my duty, Sendoa. Nothing more nothing less. I would never let harm come to your children, or any of Glaciem's children. They are our future." Six nodded once more and leaned into Sendoa once more, "You owe me no debt, love." Six then sat up straight and turned her attention to the explosive scene before her.

The beautiful beast watched as a horrible looking whore slithered in and started to run her mouth. Instantly Six tensed, her anger rose within moments. Her hackles flicked up defensively. She let her claws dig into the earth as she held back a growl. Though, as she watched, her scowl turned into a smirk. The weird looking girl was soon taken down into submission. Those purple orbs flicked to Isardis then to Sendoa. The girl looked to her Queen with a giggle, "Some girls just need to learn their place." Her voice was soft, but she really did not care who heard. The woman turned her attention back forward, that smirk remained upon her mouth.