


02-02-2014, 12:43 AM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2014, 12:45 AM by Gael.)

He was frankly taken aback. It wasn't a secret that Valhallans had a severe hatred, if not strong dislike for any wolf that hailed from Glaciem, but that didn't mean that they were stupid enough to go running their mouths. Gael wouldn't lie, he probably had more than a few things he wanted to say to the albino in charge of Glaciem, but because of the war they had just managed to get themselves out of, the Heir wasn't trying to start more problems for his pack. But it seemed like someone didn't really care whether they dragged down the rest of the pack with them. He would watch in silent horror as the newly appointed Digamma Vahva would come storming in from seemingly nowhere, her tongue quicker than her mind as she threw insults to the wolves of Glaciem. Ears would flatten against his skull, tail curling high over his hips in agitation. How could she be so stupid?! Was she trying to get Valhalla eliminated for good? Did she not remember how many of their people had been taken prisoner and injured in the past war? It sure as hell didn't seem like.

Unlike Vahva, the young Adravendi had enough self-control to keep himself in check, dagger like ceruleans spearing holes into her spine as he watched her submit before the Ice King, gaining a permanent scar to her leg as reprimand. A quiet growl would bubble in his pipes as he watched the albino walk away, part of him not liking that a Valhallan had been injured while at the same time knowing that the woman had asked for it. Before she could make the situation any worse Gael would stride forward to Vahva's side, using his body as a physical shield to block her from the view of the Glaciems. Come gamma, we must seek a healer for that injury. And I also wish to have a word with you. He would wait until she had risen, motioning with his muzzle in the direction back to the island. This type of behavior was unacceptable and she was lucky that he was considerate of his aunt wanted. He would've demoted her to the lowest rank for such behavior, but he knew his aunt would not be so harsh.

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