
Yours & Mine



02-02-2014, 01:40 AM

She watched in silent amazement as Taurig braved the water and slowly stepped in. The way he moved was gentle and patient, two traits that had made her discreetly fall in love with him after that first meeting. Her usually smooth face broke out into a wet grin as his whole body became consumed by the pond. Pretty soon, he was out in the water by himself, paddling back to her so he wouldn't be too far away. It made her heart skip another couple of beats and her chest felt like it was fluttering. What a feeling it was!
Taurig blindly looked in her direction, icy sockets beckoning with a question of curiosity. She knew he was wondering what her plans were, but she would only give in to his inquiries a little at a time. With the love she had for him evident in her own gaze, Maija padded closer so her chest bumped into his. Water splashed around them as she gave a wet nuzzle to his damp neck, followed by a short sneeze that wasn't planned. After shaking her head, she cleared her throat and began to swim towards the small waterfall near the large rock structure.
Instead of gushing and roaring like Niagara Falls, a pleasant, tinkling sound bounced off the rocks that were around the water. It made the atmosphere perfect for anyone who wanted to just sit back and relax after a long day. Maija turned to look over her left shoulder to make sure Taurig was following her. She raised her water-laden tail above the surface and tapped his nose playfully before voicing, "Grab onto my tail and make sure to hold your breath when you feel the water rise over your head." The gold temptress didn't do anything until he agreed to it, for she didn't want to pull him any further out of his comfort zone without him being aware of it.

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