
Wild Thang


02-02-2014, 01:55 AM
It was not often that the man found pleasure in the company of other canines. In fact, Fugue could say that he was never seen in a group of wolves. He had always remained solitary and had reveled in that fact. Raisa, however, was a woman that he could honestly say he admired.
The ashen girl had spunk. She was independent, confident, easy to understand and spend time with. The auburn man actually enjoyed the time that he spent in her presence. It truk y baffled gim. So it was a complete and utter sight to see when he was walking side by side with a small alabaster fox, following in the woman's footsteps. As her soft tones reached his ears, his chin lifted in her direction.
"Doing quite well princess. Enjoying the view." He added with a playful wink. The woman knew that their relationship was not one that lovers shared, but one of friends. His flirtatious quips were simply just a part of who he was; a way to keep the voices at bay.
He too could smell the tempting scent of fresh, living, breathing prey. He would admit that it was making him salivate. His issue, though, was in the plain fact that he longed for a kill that required more skill than the average swamprat.
In a moment of excitement, he aimed his golden orbs at his companion, a twinkle of amusement playing in his gaze.
"I too am starving, love. Why don't the three of us take on a buck?"
It had veen too long since he challenged his physique. A fully grown buck would question his physical wellbeing as well as his mental strength. And truthfully, Fugue would have loved to see his new companion in action against a real threat.