
We stand together, in a crowd


02-02-2014, 02:25 AM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2014, 06:17 PM by Flamesong.)

here to relive your darkest moments

Yes, Flamesong would admit. He had been keeping himself very busy in the time he had lived in Valhalla. He had been gathering and training, training and gathering. Yet there was only so much that he could do on his own. He was in his den now, staring at the lush wall of gathered herbs that he had been stocking up. It was full, and he was completely prepared for any ailment that he or his packmates may suffer. His silver features stretched down into a frown. There was always more to do.

A sigh escaped his ebony lips and he turned to exit his den. The male had only taken two steps into the open spring air when he heard the commanding howl of a packmate. The man instantly froze and lifted his maw into the air, listening intently for the message. It was Vahva, he realized, the newly appointed Valhallan fight trainer. His eyes widened and a smile played at his lips before he opened his jaws and returned the call.

It didnt take long for his lanky limbs to lead him to the small clearing on the island. There were already many wolves gathered in front of Vahva. He slowed his pace to a strong walk and found his own place in the crowd. The silver man smiled to his packmates and sat beside his leader, Chrysanthe.

She had been so gracious in allowing him entrance to her pack, and he still believed that he would forever be in her debt. He could never thank her enough. His smile only widened as he aimed his fiery eyes in her direction. "Hello, Milady. So lovely to see you again. How are you faring, after the storm?"

He would be willing to share any herbs with her or his pack if anyone had been harmed. He only wished they knew him better to trust him with such things. Even he knew that there was much to be done, dens to rebuild, homes to reestablish. He felt so restless when he had none to care for. Perhaps this meeting would bring about a higher purpose. His muscles did need some serious exercise after so long. If only he had arrived in Valhalla only months before he had...he would have been able to fight for the honor of his pack.

it's always darkest before the dawn[FLAMESONG ETHEREO]