
Mystery of the Cross


02-02-2014, 06:24 AM

Black coated paws hopped nimbly from rock to rock. The slender male making his way upwards, to seek out a good vantage to point so that he may see where on Earth he was. He was new to these parts, having heard tales of others like him in these lands. The ones that bore a Cross on their shoulder...surely they would be the ones he was looking for? For no others held those same markings. Jinxx wanted so badly to find his sisters, his brothers...would they really be here? Had he traveled here with his goal completed? Or in vain?

With a slight grunt, the male landed atop an outcropping with a cave mouth behind him. It was no easy climb, as this place seemed to be riddled with untold dangers and hidden surprises. But alas he had made it unscathed. He stared out across the lands, the sun was high in the sky as it beat down on his lithe form. Blue eyes illuminated in the bright light, further giving his appearance that much more of an illumination effect. However, it was always the night time hours that gave the Wolves of the Cross their names...The Legion of the Black, they ruled the night. The moon always shimmered upon their coats, illuminating and giving their appearances as divine creatures. But today, he would seek out lost connections...and he hoped that someone, anyone...was here.

Tilting his head back, he let out a long howl. The note filled with intermixed emotions of sadness, loss, hope...surely...someone would come...they had to be alive...he couldn't be the only one. His voice rang out loud and clear, a haunting note that could not be mistaken by those who knew him. It sent a shiver down the spine of those who would lay ears on it, thus his nickname "Coma." For his voice had the tendency to place one's mind into a lulled sleep...if not bring the memories that were once forgotten within the folds of their minds. It was like a trance, his voice always carried that way when he howled. It was both beautiful, and haunting.
