
To Find A Place



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-21-2013, 06:54 PM
She wandered through the forest, contentment flowing through her. Her tail wagged more than usual, a soft smile was always present, even in deep thought. She was happy, in a way that she had never known before now. Nova?s love, and her mating with him had opened a new horizon to her mind. She had given him her heart and Love, and he had given her so much more. But she needed to find a den. She as a Lead healer. Injured wolves needed a place they could trust in to always have her there. Shelter to protect them while they healed.

She?d been scouting for a while, dismissing each site she came to. Too small, too small. Bad placement. Too far from water. She knew she would never find a den like the one in the old land. Or the one before that. Her tail waved gaily. She had to find a den for more than just herself. Nova would need a place with her. There had to be room for a Dire wolf, herself, and much more for injured wolves, sick wolves. She turned, on an absent minded yearning for a change in direction, and found herself padding down a path she?d not yet taken.

Her tail waved as she took up a sense of adventure she hadn?t felt since her pup years. She noted the different plants and flowers that made up the tools she used in her Craft. Dandelions. Great for strengthening the heart, strengthening night sight, and arthritis! That could be used for Cairo. Ducksfoot. It was good for curing the intestines of worms. It helped to draw out the venom from a snake?s bite. She stopped as a thought came to her. Ducksfoot was one of the herbs her mother had listed as being good for Lung Cancer. Why hadn?t she remembered that when she?d needed it? Ducksfoot had been commonplace in their old Packland? She shook her head. It was too late to berate herself for this. Better to commit it to memory now.

She noted Burdock with a smile. It was wonderful for most everything, from fevers to arthritis. She flicked her tail and continued on. She passed through a narrow little ravine, the tops of the walls curving in to almost meet at the tops, giving the ravine a soft green glow of sunlight through greenery. The soil beneath her paws was soft and dark, rich. It would be cool in the summer. She moved on, and stopped as she heard and smelled water. She turned and followed it, pleased with the clarity of the small waterfall. It gathered into a pool, which evolved into a small stream heading off into a gap in the ravine wall.

She turned from it, and stopped. The ravine went sharply upward, soil falling away to reveal stone, stacked and fallen in such a way that it formed a natural stair step up to a spot where the tops of the ravine?s walls met and the ravine ended. A small cave. She liked the location. It was sheltered so that a patient wouldn?t be confined to the den, and could get fresh air. But would it be large enough? She climbed the natural stairs, liking the way they seemed to fit her stride. They were easy to climb, not too steep. They took the cave high enough so that it would be above the flood line. She could see the previous floodlines from previous years that had helped to shape this lovely place.

She reached the top and peered into the cave. It had seemed to be too small, but as her eyes took in the dark cave, she felt delight thrum through her. It was spacious. And it wasn?t the only part. Alcoves opened into smaller caves. Enough for several wolves. One of them caught her own interest. It was large, but cozy. Comfortable. She stepped into it, and her tail stirred the air. She liked it. She turned, decided. This would be the den of her and Nova. It would be the lead healer?s den.

She padded out and loped down the ravine. She padded to a stop and looked back. It was beautiful. She sent up a song for her mate. She also sang a claim for this spot. It was her den.