
honey im home


02-02-2014, 12:38 PM

She had visited the battlefield a lot lately, she loved it. Six loved fighting, whether she watched or she was doing the fighting. The black and white behemoth was a killer at heart, she loved to watch flee from her enemies eyes. But, the bitch would not let such morbidity taint her reputation. The girl had no means to be infamous for being a killer, but she would strike fear into others. Fear, strength, knowledge, and love were all the things a leader needed. The girl knew she would lead one day but the white and black behemoth needed practice. With each step her paws sunk into the slightly wet dirt. It was muddy from the rain that filtered down from the sky in the morning. The brown muck splattered across her legs with each step. The scent of blood tainted the air with each breath. Six rolled her shoulders as she let forth a call, her head raised. The beauty beckoned for a challenger to make their way to the battlefield. To practice, a spar. She let each paw dig into the earth firmly, she bent her ebony knees, aligned her back with her tail which was pointing straight out, her ears slicked back, her lips curled up, her hackles bunched up into thick rolls, and her eyes narrowed. The woman was ready to win.

Six vs ??

for spar


Defenses: She let each paw dig into the earth firmly, she bent her ebony knees, aligned her back with her tail which was pointing straight out, her ears slicked back, her lips curled up, her hackles bunched up into thick rolls, and her eyes narrowed.

Attack: n/a

injuries: n/a

notes: for foxypoo