
honey im home


02-02-2014, 01:38 PM

Six waited for a little while until pawsteps were heard. The black and white bitch stared at the grey woman as the body slithered her way. A sickening smirk slipped across her sultry lips. The killer felt her blood boil in a rush of excitment. The bitched rolled her shoulders once more as two words were heard. Six remained set. Her paws remained dug into the mud, her eyes slit like little half moons, her claws dug into the earth, her ears flat, back straight with her tail, she tucked in her neck, raised those hackles into rolls of skin, bent her knees, curled her lips, and bared her teeth. The black and white behemoth was ready to fight. "Good luck, my beauty." Those luxurious tones flowed, each word laced with a visible darkness.

The dark woman let forth an eruption of growls. Those massive paws thundered down on the ground as she tried to charge her opponent. Six faked left and charged right, in attempt to confused the girl. The black and white girl went low, her knees bent and her head low. The woman snapped her mangy jaws madly, aiming to bite down on Raisa's right, upper thigh upon her front right leg. The behemoth would also attempt to push the other woman back, trying to push forward by digging her paws into the earth. Such attacks would leave the girls upper body exposed, hackles and such. Which may or may not be an issue for the maddened bitch.

SIX v Raisa



Defenses: Six remained set. Her paws remained dug into the mud, her eyes slit like little half moons, her claws dug into the earth, her ears flat, back straight with her tail, she tucked in her neck, raised those hackles into rolls of skin, bent her knees, curled her lips, and bared her teeth. The black and white behemoth was ready to fight.

Attacks: Those massive paws thundered down on the ground as she tried to charge her opponent. Six faked left and charged right, in attempt to confused the girl. The black and white girl went low, her knees bent and her head low. The woman snapped her mangy jaws madly, aiming to bite down on Raisa's right, upper thigh upon her front right leg. The behemoth would also attempt to push the other woman back, trying to push forward by digging her paws into the earth.


Note: edit was allowed by fox
