


02-02-2014, 03:54 PM
Design: Kat Design 2 [[Heart Set On It]]
user posted image

Name: F?licien Ambroise Destruction

Alignment: Neutral Good

Appearance: The base coat of F?licien is made of a light cream that coats much of his form. Darker cream lays like a blanket across his back and over his head, shaping around his face. A lovely shade of brown coats his belly and the underside of his tail, gracing his ears and even making appearances upon his face and on occasional hairs on his back. The bit of brown on his face mainly rests closer to his crown, near the fronts of his ears in small patches, and in the slash-like marks under his eyes he inherited from his mother. Small red-orange dots rest above eyes that match his mother's own in color, though mirror their position; his left eye is a vivid blue while the right is a pale yellow.

When it comes to build F?li is on the smaller side of an medium wolf, caught in between the height of his parents at 30". Being a male, he is a little larger than a female his size with a well kept, fluffy coat. The coat, while being a bit on the thicker side, is not so much that it would cause problems with overheating during the summer, but it not so thick that he would do above average in the colder months or snow. Still, it is enough to keep him warm and has a nice shine to it, showing his health. F?licien inherited his mother's shorter, rounded ears and has a shorter than average muzzle. He has muscle, but not in an excessive amount, with softer, more delicate features, especially in his face, that will give him a look that makes him appear younger than he actually is.

Personality: Little F?li, as a child, will be very sweet and kind. These traits are something that will stick with F?licien as he grows into a caring adult. He is quick to help others in whatever task they may need aid with. He will cling to his youth and, as he grows, still be very playful and love to romp around with younger wolves. He is not one easily worked up, however from a young age he will have a strong will and be fiercely stubborn, sticking by decisions and what he wants to do with a firm mind. While this is true F?licien is also very curious, seeking new knowledge. He is one who learns fast, and retains information rather easily. In stressful situations F?li is normally the one who is calm, able to keep level headed and try and come up with solutions to fix the problem. It takes a lot to get him worked up, and even if you do he will never raise his voice. Instead he will respond with a calm anger, though one can tell by the serious tone in his voice that they have overstepped their bounds. While he hates violence he is not opposed to defend himself, his friends, his family, or those unable to defend themselves. F?licien strives to do what is good and right by society, so killing, even an enemy, is something he will try to avoid at all costs. He does all he can to be honest and seek the truth, even if doing so may hurt someones feelings. He is very respectful as well, however one thing that makes this young brute uneasy are wolves in position of authority. It is not so much the worry that they outrank him as he knows corruption exists in all species and that power is something that can corrupt in the worst kind of ways. F?li will follow the orders of his superiors though, just remain cautious about them.

RP Sample:

The time had come for the small litter of Symphony and Gitan to be introduced to the world outside of their den. The den, though warm and cozy, was slowly becoming a dull place of play for the children, especially when they could see the tempting blue sky of the large world outside of the den. Different scents would also invade the small space, which would especially catch the interest of one son in particular.

F?licien was full of questions from the moment he could talk. If he caught an unknown scent he would try and ask his parents about it, and when his father would bring his mother food he would ask about the creatures he brought for her to eat. How they moved. How they lived. Anything at all that he could learn. But though he was a curious lad F?li was still a pup, and his attention span for learning would only hold for so long before he would wander away from the explanations of his parents to play with his siblings.

Cream paws would set down gently on the grass just outside of the den, bi-colored eyes widening in wonder as he looked upon in awe of all that was around him. New, strange, and wonderful things lay as far as they eye could see, inviting the pup to come learn about them and experience in his newest stage in life. He would let out a happy yip of excitement, running forward a few steps before spinning in a circle to look at his parents.

"This is amazing!" His breathing was quick, excited. He would look around again, taking a deep breath of fresh air. He was ready to explore, but he was also mindful of his mother and father and their words of caution to keep within sight. Dangerous, and the things in life that were not so happy, yet still made up part of the balance of living, would be learned later, but for now the pup was still completely innocent and able to enjoy his youth.

Energy seemed to surge through F?li as he ran over to different plants, sniffing them for a few moments and taking in their beauty. He would check things out as he came upon them. He saw everything, yet was working to process it bit by bit so that the information would stick in his brain. Coming to the bottom of a tree he sat down at the base, looking up it's length with wide eyes. It was beautiful, a tall symbol of nature's power. The boy would thump his small tail upon the ground, eyes bright. Happiness would swell within his heart and a short, joyful puppy howl would be loosed from his jaws.

F?licien knew he had a good life. He had a loving family, the best siblings to play with, and now an endless realm to explore and learn from for the rest of his days. The boy would wait a few moments before getting back to his paws, scooping out his siblings and tearing towards them full speed. "Guys guys! Lets play a game!" The larger space would certainly make any game much more enjoyable. Especially his favorite game. "We'll play tag! Better run, cause I'mma get you!" He wouldn't even wait for their answer before he announced the game choice. They had just better move, cause he was going after whoever was closest.


-F?licien could possibly develop into Lawful Good as he matures. The main factor that sets him as a Neutral Good is, like his father, he does not easily trust authority. If there comes a time, however, that wolves in such power prove to him that they are trustworthy his alignment could make that possible shift.

-F?licien is a french name that {when traveled through the names it is derived from} means "Lucky, Successful."

-Ambroise is a french name that {when traveled through the names it is derived from} means "Immortal."

-Would very, very much so prefer the first design of the second by a lot. I like them both, but I feel the first one chosen fits how I view this charrie more. ><


Reluctant Back-Up Design Choice: Kat Design 4

Description for Back-Up Choice, just to be safe:

The base coat of F?licien is made of a mix of a soft brown on his dorsal half and a delicate cream on his undersides and legs. The brown lays across him like a blanket, though doesn't cover his entire face. While the brown extends down from the upper bit of his face down to his nose. The cream brushes over his jaw, the brown on his face fading more quickly into the lighter shade, while the brown on his sides and tail fades a little more gradually into the cream that covers the rest of his body. His nose is a dark shade of brown, while his eyes are a beautiful sort of mix of blue-green with a portion of each eye sliced out and replaced with yellow.

When it comes to build F?li is on the smaller side of an medium wolf, caught in between the height of his parents at 30". Being a male, he is a little larger than a female his size with a well kept, fluffy coat. The coat, while being a bit on the thicker side, is not so much that it would cause problems with overheating during the summer, but it not so thick that he would do above average in the colder months or snow. Still, it is enough to keep him warm and has a nice shine to it, showing his health. F?licien inherited his mother's shorter, rounded ears and has a shorter than average muzzle. He has muscle, but not in an excessive amount, with softer, more delicate features, especially in his face, that will give him a look that makes him appear younger than he actually is.


This little one stole my heart. <3 I had such muse when writing his personality!! Even if he doesn't get picked to be made into a character I'm definitely using his name {except the family name of course} and personality for a new charrie. I'm very interested in him and did research on his parents to try and blend a likely personality and "perfect" physique that a son of their could develop.

Also, as you are probably well aware by my applying, I am willing to buy a pup slot.