
i am not just a number


02-02-2014, 04:12 PM

The black and white daemon sat upon the snowy terrain with a legendary smirk upon her sultry lips. She closed her eyes for a few moments, just embracing the nature around her. The birds chirped around her and she sighed gently. Though, soon enough, pad falls filled her two toned ears. Six opened her eyes as the man's breath was felt upon her muzzle, just barely. Those purple orbs stared into his pale optics. The warrior stared at her King with a widening smirk. His lovely voice filled her ears twice and the bitch tilted her head to the right. "I would hope not, my Lord." Her voice was that of a temptress but behind each syllable was such power. Her eyes did not move from his as he asked her a question. The girl spoke once more in a slightly more serious manner. "I have been informed that a neighboring pack, Amenti, has grown weak and is falling a part.. I have been itching for such, so I wish to challenge their leader for his rank. If I do so I will still see you as my superior. How could I not?" The woman then shifted her weight closer to him, their noses merely an inch away from touching. "We could be a force, my King."

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