
seven ate nine



5 Years
02-02-2014, 05:41 PM

Poison dripping off my fangs...

Their closeness churned her insides with excitement. Yes, this was the spark she'd been looking for in her pack mates. Mind's alert and hunting down thoughts and ambitions like wayward prey, never ceasing to fall languidly unaware and thus vulnerable to weakness and destruction. Six's mind and manner fascinated D?gmar and she did feel herself bonding quickly with this cunning soul sister. She leaned in farther, taking in Six's scent, letting the ebony fae's words wash over her like a fresh spring rain. Refreshing and much desired.

The plan was beautiful. Perfect! Everything she could have asked for and she thanked the fates for this meeting. Who could deny that it was meant to be? She drank in the words, the scent and the heat of the other so close to her til she felt intoxicated. Heart thrumming at this new turn. Even the veiled threat didn't dampen her fervor, if anything it heightened. The danger, the risk, the life. Finally, after all her searching?

"My darling, Six. I quite agree. Syrinx will know nothing til your challenge rattles him from the fogged haze of his complacency." Six leaned forward, D?gmar's breath catching slightly at the tickle in her ear and the teasing lick as she responded, voice practically purring. "I would be more than content and pleased to join you?" she leaned closer, hot breath seeking the ear of her soon-to-be queen, voicing slipping in a husky whisper to the other, "and be an extension of your will, and your desires." She smiled. The winds were changing indeed.

[Image: Dag_bot_zps26a4da16.jpg]

ooc: end? continue?