
If Your Not In It For Love, I'm Outta Here


02-02-2014, 06:09 PM

Goodness only knew what had lead Kar into the desert-like region of Alcritia. Just like the first time he had come here he had felt a certain pull... so he followed it. The first time the gray, black, and white brute was in the terrain he had met a very strange, new creature he didn't know about. Now he knew a lot about her, a bear by the name of Zanire, his traveling partner and best friend. He cared about her more than anything, and as of late the poor brute had been worried sick about her. The storm that had passed through Alacritia... the memories from it still burned like red hot coals within his mind.

The sight of the tornado had horrified him badly enough... but it was the event that came not much later that truly traumatized the male. Poor Zanire... he shuddered. Thanks to those events she was missing a paw now... and... he shook his head, not wanting to think about it further. Right now she was resting, and he had made sure to bring her food before he left to go wander a while and clear his head. That was what lead him this way... and that that pull began, leading him to the dry sandy area once more.

He would start to head back after a while, after he had found whatever it was that had seemed to calm him out here. The brute's ears were perked forward, eyes moving across the barren landscape. What was it that seemed to pull him in? Kar would let out a soft sigh. A few more minutes passed, seeing nothing, and then, finally, Kar would blink. Was that... something? He would begin to run, closing the distance between himself and the thing he spotted.

Sound muffled by the sand he was able to get close to the other creature without being noticed before he slowed. He was breathing a bit heavy, but that was alright. What he had discovered was, in fact, another wolf. All alone in this wasteland. His mind briefly remembered his encounter with Raisa and he mentally prepared himself to be more careful again. He didn't think his heart could take it again if he upset her again.

Kar would come to a stop a few pawsteps away from the female, speaking softly in hopes that he wouldn't startle her. "These are hardly the lands to take a rest in, miss." He would notice the dampness on her cheek, taking one more step closer, a concerned tone entering his voice. It wasn't false... it was just how Kar was. "Are you alright? Perhaps I could help you in some way?"

Speech, Thought