


02-02-2014, 06:36 PM

She was a fool, she had been a fool. The woman's red eyes released their gaze to the man who called her so many things she agreed with in the back of her head. Another sigh would escape her lips, for she had won her life if nothing at all. Rolling over, she ignored everyone, their gazes were too harsh, they were too painful. Vahva had not noticed it until now, when it came to these wolves she had felt so uncomfortable in the first place. How could she have expected to make friends when she had not gone through what they had. The only stories she had were of the war, and when her mother was alive, it was a much simpler time. She could see Night yelling at her now, yelling at her for a mistake that she made and could not replace. No one cared for her, no one would come save her. It was just like that dark cell, and here, it was all the same.
She spotted Azalea come, but her mind had already shut down, and she returned to her darker state. Vahva pulled herself up, looking to the beta as she shook her head. She needed no healer, it was her job to take care of herself. It was clear she was not cut out to be a warrior here. Not until she could get over her fears, and conceal the bubbling anger she had inside of her. The woman's tail flicked. "I need no healer, I do not deserve such a service when I can heal the wound myself." She didn't want to be here any longer. Her red eyes looked at him, she wanted to cry really hard, but she knew no one would pity her. All her talks, had been nothing but bluffs. She growled, turning around and leaving towards the island where her herbs would be waiting for her. "I'll be waiting in my den." Was all the words she would whisper before vanishing from sight sadly.
