
where are we from and where do we go



7 Years
02-02-2014, 07:00 PM

. . .

Galahad was less than thrilled about the fact they had to move, and seeing how down Oracle was, well that just hurt the brute even further. He had lagged behind as well, though just out of sight as the female left the path in desperation. He felt so horrible for her, for not being able to find words of comfort for her... or for himself. Neither had spoken much... not even to each other. He had hardly slept just as his sister hadn't. He was so unsettled that sleeping just... it didn't quite work out. He would rise for hours at a time, patrolling this new place and checking on Oracle. This was all the young male had been doing since the move, and it was draining him. But still he kept up his routine, even if his green orbs were a bit duller and demanded a proper sleep. He would be making his usual rounds, circling to find Oracle. Something, he felt, wasn't quite right. His stomach was churning with worry, and he knew he needed to talk to her.

A soft whine would escape from Galah as he looked around the camp a second time. Oracle wasn't there. Worry gnawed at him even greater now and he would go back to her makeshift den, sniff out her scent, and then go off along her trail. If anything happened to her... he would be at such a total, undescribeable loss. Just when Oracle came into view he noticed something wrong. There was stuff falling from the sky... grayish-white stuff. The brute would come to a stop. Was it snow? But... it was spring. Even if there was snow on the ground here now it didn't seem likely that it would add more, would it? Then the first bit of the stuff fell on him. It was warm... very warm. The brute frowned deeply. This stuff, whatever it was, wasn't snow. He wasn't sure if it was dangerous or not however, and, if it was, where exactly were they supposed to go to escape it?

"Hey, Oracle." The bicolored brute would walk beside her, gently giving her shoulder a nudge. For now he had decided to ignore the falling stuff. "I know we're both upset about leaving the cove but... I really miss talking to you as much as we used to." In a way he felt alone... even if his sister was here. They didn't share a den anymore either. He would let out a low whine. "If you need to talk about anything that is on your mind please don't hesitate, Oracle..." He would lower his ears. 'I don't want to end up losing you too.'
