
where are we from and where do we go



8 Years
02-02-2014, 07:48 PM
Oracle jumped slightly looking round she caught Galah's eye ?hey, yourself? she responded returning the nudge she tried to pull on a smile but she was to tired to make it convincing. She knew she had been avoiding Galahad not on purpose she had been avoiding everyone, part way between mourning and plotting but that meant she had not noticed till now just how tired her brother himself looked, his eyes where dull and even his coat wasn't as neat as it usually was she stayed quiet as he spoke his words hit her like hammers beating into her heart, how could she have been so selfish she thought I was going through all this but so is he, ?I'm sorry galah I'm so sorry,? she lent against him a little resting her head under his chin, she wanted this, to be with him but she was worried about how he would react when she told him she was leaving ?I just there is so much going on, I didn't want to worry you but I guess I stuffed that up a bit,?

she sat there just leaning into him as her brain fought against her judgement she had to explain her plan that would clear it up, the dreams, a small shiver ran through her body the dreams could wait until the sun was up at least, ?galah,? she muttered ?you know I love you right,? she paused waiting for and answer before gently pulling away from him and climbing to her feet. She was nervous ?Galahad I wouldn't do anything to try and hurt you, you know that right?? she paused uncertain how to continue, she took a deep breath and dove in starting to pace as she did, ?i dont think mum and da are coming back, even if they do, I dont think they will find us, and ode's out there all alone she might think where all gone and if miss midnight wont take me to find her then I thought maybe I can go myself. And I don?t want to leave you,? she said tears where filling her eyes and she stopped her pacing brushing them away angrily ?I just I want to be a family again,and I know it is a long way and I don?t really know where I?m going but I have to go, to try to get her, I have to, she?s family,? it had poured from her and now she felt worn she sat again her body tense as she watched him for some reaction she didn't want him to be angry, ?I?m sorry I didn't tell you I just ...? what had she thought that he would stop her?get angry at her for thinking of such a stupid idea, or was she really scarred that he would insist on coming with her? ? I was scarred,? she didn't want to leave him but she knew it would be dangerous to travel she might sneak under the radar but together they would be more obvious she just wanted her family safe,her head dropped looking at the trodden snow at her paws.

the not snow was still falling and slowly it began to form a thin layer over the underlying snow and on the backs of the two wolves gently oracle pressed a paw print into the stuff it didn't crush like snow but shifted beneath her pad, her eyes where itchy but whether from this stuff or the tears that she had shed she couldn't tell what was it?