
Baby take me high

Twig I


02-02-2014, 07:55 PM

It was odd to the she wolf to have someone who was not her family so eager to look into her orchid stare. Being around Themisto in the orchard was an oddity in itself. Every moment that passed them by she became more curious of him, something that had certainly never happened to her before. Questions about him personally would start popping into her thoughts, like where he had come from and what pack's smell he carried on his coat. Why he had come to the orchard and oddly enough, if he had someone special waiting for him at home. Of course, Twig's thoughts were on everything besides finding a mate to come home to. She was still too young and wild to think about settling down. Though she had to admit Themisto was pleasant to look at.
Their gazes would intertwine once again as he spoke his answer of her question, ""I am a healer so I handle a lot of different herbs on a daily basis. Though I handle some more than others." His laugh made her ears perk forward a bit more, it was a nice sound. One that she would enjoy hearing more of. She had not thought of him as a healer, maybe it was the lack of tail. She would have thought him a warrior who had lost his tail to some evil enemy. She didn't find his gaze menacing, but she almost found herself enjoying his golden stare. She enjoyed being gazed upon by him, it was as though he were staring at a fallen star. "I discovered a very special plant upon my journey from my homeland to Alacritis. I took it with me and now I grow it right next to my den. Perhaps someday I could show you?"
So he had brought this odd smelling plant with him? The question of where his homeland was would slip through her mind momentarily, but she felt she was being too open with him to ask. Her usual timidness around strangers and reluctance to ask questions would keep her from prying too much. She was quite taken aback by his offer to show her someday. It seemed he wished to continue their interaction hence forth. She couldn't say she didn't like the idea either.
She would grow a bit more timid once again, unsure of what her family would say of her spending time in the presence of a strange man. Should she even continue speaking to him, or was it time to be off again, searching for her kin. They were her whole world, would she be able to branch out and allow herself the indulgence of a friend outside her pack or family? He certainly seemed worth it, and her curiosity of his herb would persuade her even more. "I think that I'd like that, Themisto." her soft voice would flow into the air as lyrics on her tongue. She felt a thrill rise up within her stomach as her mixed emotions washed over her. Finding him so interesting wasn't betraying her family's trust.. was it?

"Talk" Think "You"