
All That Glitters


02-02-2014, 08:48 PM
OOC| Simple, new crappy table is crappy. Oh yeah. xD I needed some formatting though. Needed.

If there was to be any violence between them, Gwyn would not be the one to instigate it. Not intentionally. Her gentle gesture seemed to allay some of the other woman's worries, and the snarl that had been present moments earlier slipped away, leaving a curious expression. Gwyn mirrored her for a moment, however unintentionally. The other woman was brilliantly white, the glare of her coat in the sunlight quite difficult to miss. I mustn't allow myself to become so distracted while I'm on my own, marvelled Gwyn to herself. It could prove hazardous to her health if it happened again! How dare she be distracted by the oooooh shiny!

As no verbal response seemed incoming, Gwyndolyn took the liberty of breaking the silence, "Hullo." She canted her head the other way. Well, that was a wonderful way to begin, now wasn't it? All she got was one measly word in and that was it. She was at a complete loss. When was the last time she'd had a conversation? She supposed she should say more, now the other woman seemed as curious as Gwyn was. "Who are you?" Her tact was clearly astonishing. Astonishingly blunt. She supposed she'd never really been much good a introducing herself to anyone... "I'm Gwyndolyn." If she was going to be blunt and ask questions, she should probably give her own name first. Oh what is the matter with me!? Get a hold of yourself, Gwyn! Lowering her head slightly, she took a few steps forward, eye gauging the stranger for any hostile response.

Stock courtesy of Dawnthieves.