
chicken wang



5 Years
02-02-2014, 09:00 PM (This post was last modified: 02-02-2014, 09:02 PM by Aldoro.)

It wasn't too long ago since he's been separated by his sister, Viola. It seems he's searched everywhere. She alone was all he had left--- and she disappeared like the lustrous moon behind the sloping horizon. He never acknowledged the existence of his parents, and his brother was out on his own. Probably, as Aldoro thought, living a dream. Living with his wife and whelps with everything they needed. Nothing to be concerned of.

Is was difficult to think about such things while constantly leaping from ledge to ledge. The man seemed to be enveloped in danger, risk. The only noise erupting around him was his massive paws shuffling ever so carefully up the mountainous landscape. White powder beneath the massive bodice of the man would numb his paws and make it hard to realize where he was going without glancing downward. But now a ledge, like an enormous mouth, outstretched in front of him as he inched onward. This one was bigger than some of the others. The man's mouth seemed to part ever so slightly in awe. His bi-colored eyes gleamed against the sun's precious rays. Finally, his feet shuffled back a bit, before he propelled himself across the ledge. He landed with a soft thud against the stone on the other side of the ledge within seconds after jumping. He didn't feel the need to think about it. He just sat up and continued on his way. But within a few minutes, he seemed to regret being here. Where was he? He felt like collapsing into the soft powder beneath him. The atmosphere felt cold against his charcoal fur. No, he wasn't lost. Or was he...? The now exhausted man halted in his path and twisted his crown around several times. Something large and shadowed entered his field of vision. Something that seemed to move. Seemed to breathe. The behemoth moved himself closer to the thing, only to realize it was another one of him. He felt astonished. Without even thinking, he blurted, "H-...Hello? Are you awake?'' His voice seemed to croak weakly and echo around him. What if he said that wrong, but he didn't hear himself? What if he was seen as a threat? The man inhaled and expected another voice to wrap around him.