
If Your Not In It For Love, I'm Outta Here


02-02-2014, 09:20 PM

At his words the femme would shift her attention to him. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of red, he noticed, and a gentle look would cross her features when she looked at him. She would smile, giving a slight bit of relief to his worries. Had she perhaps just been lonely? It was possible. The female didn't smell of a pack at all. A loner... a rogue... just like him. When she spoke her tone actually shocked Kar a great deal. To speak with such respect to a fellow rogue, as if he was some wolf of high standing. He would let a small smile cross his own face as she spoke, patiently waiting for her to finish before speaking.

"Miss Nalyda it is a pleasure. But, if you would, please speak to me more as we are equals. I am no better than any other wolf." His eyes would shine gently. "As for your question, my friend, you are speaking to Kar Savvil, a loner who has traveled quite a long way from his home lands." She would keep her head down, and Kar would wonder why. He had done nothing that demanded respect, nor threatened her. Perhaps this was just customary of her? It was very possible. All the same she didn't seem like a bad wolf.

The barren, hilly lands were not exactly a good place to stay in for long. Especially since, while there was some water, there was little, and there was hardly any prey at all. Kar would speak softly again. "Perhaps we could move our conversation to a watering hole. I believe there is one somewhere around here. Its hard to make heads or tails of this place... everything seems to have shifted since I was last here." Kar would lift his muzzle to the air, sniffing. "Yeah, I think I can smell some water from here. Will you come with, Nalyda?" He looked back to her, emerald green eyes shining with friendliness.

Speech, Thought