
If Your Not In It For Love, I'm Outta Here



8 Years
02-02-2014, 09:39 PM
The grey femme nodded to the brute before her. She knew he was a rogue as well, but she was always friendly to those who were friendly to her. Since this male was very kind to her, then she would be the same. When he moved the conversation about a watering hole, a nod came across her in reply, "Yes, I would like to come," she spoke with a gentle tone as she threw her nose upward, catching the aroma of the water that was quite a bit a distance away. They continued to their destination.

"Kar, if I may ask, what is your life story?" Nalyda asked as she walked beside him, but the femme left enough room for him to move around since she didn't know if the brute liked his personal space. The sage brush continued to blow and sometimes Nalyda would have to blow her pelt free of any sage or other leavings from the shrubbery that had wanted to follow on her pelt. "It seems that the watering hole is just over those hills," she exclaimed as the sage continued to blow from the wind as well as the hair on her pelt.

"Sorry if I seemed to have been out of sorts with someone like you, it's just that I have not been around many males in the year I have been alone." The femme began to speak more as she sometimes would take glances at Kar, "On the pack I was born in, most of us were completely white. Me, being with my dark pelt, was considered special among my family. These two male rogue prisoners were taken in and they taught me how to hunt, fish, and fight. Sometimes, they thought of me as a prodigy. Well, my first alpha had been defeated and this other alpha took his place. He had thought of me as like if I were a lover to him, but he thought of me as a toy. The female alpha caught wind of it and banished me. I had been alone for a while till I had found this land." She wished she could have the gall to shut up sometimes and let him speak, but she soon kept her trap shut as a small tear came over her, the salty droplet landed on the sage underneath her. She stopped for a minute to regain her composure before walking alongside the brute again.