
If Your Not In It For Love, I'm Outta Here


02-02-2014, 10:02 PM

He was happy when the female agreed to travel with him. She appeared kindly, with a good heart, yet the sight of her seeming so down when he first approached still lingered in the back of his mind. If she did not bring it up by the time they reached the watering hole, Kar decided, he would ask her about it himself. Emotions, especially strong emotions of sadness or loneliness, were not something that one should ever try to bear alone. It would build up until it felt like a crushing weight was upon you, dragging your very soul down.

Kar was a bit surprised when the female asked about his past. It wasn't necessarily something common to bring up in conversation, especially when they hardly knew each other. But something about how she asked made him wonder. She kept a small distance from him, to give him space out of respect. Kar appreciated that, though he wouldn't have minded too terribly if she wanted to be closer. As he pondered on whether or not to delve into his past Nalyda would start to speak again, first apologizing and then going into her own story.

It wasn't a happy one, which had explained why she had appeared so down. She had a loving pack, a home, and it was all taken away from her when the alpha changed. While Kar's old home wasn't taken from him by another wolf, it was, however, taken by force, and there had been nothing he could do about it. He would lower his ears a bit, a frown crossing his face. "I'm so sorry, Nalyda." He would shake his head, a look of disgust on his features. "Some brutes... their actions are just so disgusting... they think because they are in power they can have any woman they like without her having any say. They are a scourge to all of us kinder fellows. In my old pack, if anyone dared try to make a move like that, alpha or not, the whole lot of us would have been on them. We didn't believe in such things."

Seeing her a tear slide down her face Kar would get closer, pressing his body lightly against hers for comfort. A very small nuzzle to the cheek was given, and he spoke in a soft voice. "Life may take bad twists and turns, but there is always the chance it will get better. I'm sure you miss your old pack terrible, but here, Alacritia, is a beautiful place. One of the most beautiful I have ever been too, and even as a loner I've been living happily here with my friend." He was sure she would notice the scent of bear on his coat eventually, considering he slept snuggled next to Zanire.

"You just need to give it a chance, you'll see. Besides, who knows how many new friends you might meet along the way?" He would smile gently, wanting to give her hope. "Besides, you've met your first new friend in this area, and I've been traveling a bit so I'd be happy to share some information with you." As they crossed the hill the watering hole would be seen at the bottom of it. He would walk with her the rest of the way, hoping she would draw comfort in his words and presence.

Speech, Thought