
If Your Not In It For Love, I'm Outta Here



8 Years
02-02-2014, 10:17 PM
Nalyda couldn't help but smile again as she began to shed tears again, but this time, they were from happiness. She gave a thankful nudge to Kar and when she saw the watering hole, she dashed down for a drink. Her salmon tongue stuck out as she began to lap the navy colored liquid. Her ruby orbs closed as she began to dream of her old family as she drank. The cool water rushed down her throat, making it wet from the dryness that had once filled it.

"Kar, if you were ever in my pack, I'm sure you would've been chosen alpha," A small smile staying on her face as she heard the mocking of the crows. She was okay with the crows for they liked her eyes, but that was about it. A sigh came out of the femme's vocals and she barked at the crows as they soon flew away. Nalyda sat back down beside Kar, giving him another thankful nudge as she laid her cranium upon her forepaws as she looked at the clouds around the land.

"There is a cloud that looks like a rabbit," she pointed to the cloud with her snout, "see the tail?" she gave a small chuckle when she tried to think of a joke about the rabbit. "But, when I think of that, I think of dinner," a small chuckle leaving her vocals as she stuck her snout underneath the water. When something with skin touched it, she went underneath the fishes stomach and sent it flying into the air. When it was low enough, Nalyda leapt upward and snapped down onto the soft, frigid flesh of the fish. "Requescat in pace," Nalyda spoke as she placed the fish in front of Kar. "Please, eat."