
iron hearts all turn to rust



5 Years
Extra large
02-03-2014, 01:10 AM

As predicted, his red friend had been happy to know that her kin had come to the island alongside the rest of Taur's pack. The titan himself was more than happy to have families reunite and upon Vi's request for privacy he would easily comply, allowing the two sister their time to catch up. He knew what that felt like, a flashback of his return to Maija the day of the war coming to mind as he made his way up from the shores to disappear back into the forest. He wasn't worried about Vi not keeping her word; the woman was known for that. He would take his time weaving his way through the forestry, using his scent to back track and lead him back to the den, his paws having already worn tracks in the ground from the many times he'd traveled to and from the beach. He was more than overjoyed to know that his friend was safe and sound. Even more so that she had been able to find her way back to him and the pack. He wasn't sure what he would've done if he had never been able to hear from Vi again.

He would arrive to an empty den, the scents of his wife and children stale. They had been here, but not recently. Perhaps they had gone out to explore? Taurig wouldn't panic. The island was pretty safe, with most of his pack members roaming around nearby, which meant that the pups were always within earshot of someone who could help them were they to get into some trouble. Figuring he might as well take a little nap while he waited to see which of the two, whether Vi or his family, would return first, the behemoth would pad to the entrance of his den. Powerful limbs would fold beneath the massive knight, lowering his scarred body onto the cool ground, ebony plume curling around his sable paws. Chiseled skull would rest gently against his forepaws, milky eyes disappearing beneath dark lids, tattered ears folding flat against his skull. His breathing would become easy as he allowed himself to slip into a light slumber, though his sense remained alert, listening to the voices of the jungle around him.

Some time passed, though how much he wasn't sure, but when he awoke, he could feel a coolness in the air that hadn't been there before; nightfall was setting in. A voice could be heard nearby and as Taurig lifted himself into a sitting position, he would realize that it was Vi calling out to him and Maija. Over here Vi. He would bark towards her, his low bass traveling powerfully between the distance. His den wasn't too hard to find; most of the pack knew what it was and everyone was welcome to dry by whenever they wanted to chat or needed something from him. Viridiana was no exception.

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