


02-03-2014, 01:44 AM
ooc; If this should be made into a separate thread please split my topic and make it so. If not then I can repost in a new thread.
Also, if I win by some miracle, something will be arranged so that I will not have two primary alphas.

They did not seem to have enough, drunken with power. Seraphine would lag behind her pack mates who went to the summoning call, quickly dealing with a few things before setting off. Limbs would carry her large body quickly in the direction the howl had come from, and upon approaching she would see a good amount of wolves, both from each pack but some who did not spell of either. She would roll her eyes at the wolves, her attention going to an injured Valhallan who would quickly leave the field. An ear would twitch, swiveling in the direction of a wolf who appeared to be around her age, pelt as white as snow, speaking about taking Valhalla, the wolves.

Lips would pull back to reveal her canines at this remark, her burning gaze burning a hole into Isardis's skull. When would they have enough? She snorted, the answer was obvious wasn't it? Never, they would keep coming back, destroy everything because of a idiotic girl who caused this all. And look around, she wasn't even here to see what she had caused. 'What till we come face to face girl.' She inwardly snarled, her claws digging into the earth. But that wasn't what was getting her blood to boil, this yearling had come and challenged for their home, and none of them were even trying to defend it while their Alphess went at it. Cowards!

Raising her head the young wolf would move forward, passing her pack mates, bi-colored eyes locked on Isardis, stopping so there was a few yards of space between the two. She knew very well the power he held, and in a way respected it, but she wouldn't become one of her packmates, an observer. She would at least try to defend her home! Even if there was a very high possibility of her getting pummeled. She would hold herself with pride, that she would be fighting for something, but not in anyway cocky. She was aware of what she was facing, and was ready to take the consequences.

?I challenge you Isardis, for Glaciem.? She would not turn to the Valhallans to check their reactions. ?You win, I will become your prisoner, a slave if you wish to see me suffer for such actions. I win, your pack is mine.? Fair enough, she would give herself to them if she were to fail, and if she won, they give themselves to her. Either way, she wouldn't just give in, she would fight, no matter how hard his punch may be.

Seraphine would use everything she had learned up till this point, along with a few things she had come with on her own. Everything would be put into this fight. Golden and blue orbs would narrow to slits as she watched the man, limbs spreading evenly to allow her weight to be distributed. Limbs would then bent the slightest, toes spreading and laws gripping the earth. If he made an immediate move she would have to act quickly and dodge whatever he might throw at her. Head would tilt downward enough to protect her throat, then move back just as her shoulders moved forward the scrunch up the skin around her neck. The folds of skin would help if he were to go for her neck, hopefully they would help her the way she thought they would. Lips pulled back, wrinkling as she displayed her fangs, ready to get to work, to become closer to somehow assisting the ones who took her in and allowed her to call Valhalla home. Muscles would tense up, her neck, limb joints, stomach, hopefully to lower the severity of an attack on such areas. And lastly, her single ear would pin back against her skull... she was ready.




DEFENSES; eyes narrowed, limbs spreading evenly, limbs bent, toes spread, claws gripping earth, head tilted, head back and shoulders forward to create skin folds on neck, lips back, fangs displayed, muscles around neck, joints and stomach tense, ear pinned back