



6 Years
Dragon Mod
02-03-2014, 06:34 AM

A call from a somewhat familiar, the wolves of the north moved one by one towards the fields of the battle grounds. It was a place he was all too familiar with, and it was somewhat of a surprise to see who it was that was challenging. Sin could only wonder what was going through her head when she spoke of trying to force claim each member. He laughed at her, for it was such folly to have such a dream. Her? Against thirty or so? It was not possible. He knew the other pack would not remain to be ruled by the likes of their enemy; it was only logical. And if she so attempted to do so, she would only end up killing herself in trying. He was sure the current Valhallans would continue to fight, and it was impossible for one to fight dozens. She would only get herself killed, hated, and whether she managed or not, they would not heed her was only common sense, not even he would attempt such a feat. The idea was indeed, amusing and laughable. Although, his amusement was internal save for a deep rumble in his chest, though one would only assume it was towards the challenged pack, nay. It was for the challenger for having such an idea. And although Sin wanted a pack, he wanted to strive to build an empire anew, not steal someone's leftovers.

Crimson painted ears twisted to hear yet another challenge, this time against the northern male. The albino was being challenged, and although it was a foolish choice, this he had to see. There was no doubt that both parties would give it their all, and he would be surprised if the girl managed to win. However foolish a dream it was, and yet he could not help but admire her bold courage in trying to defend her family. And if she lost, he was sure Isardis would use cowardly motives to ensure her time in Glaciem was of the worst. Hmph...some king that would be. To be blinded by no more then the fickle beast of revenge and hatred, he would create his own downfall, of that Sin had no doubt. For Isardis was not for the people; he strove only for himself.

Salmon tongue swept over blood stained jowls as he stood to watch in anticipation. Amber orbs cutting into the primary challenger, and secondary challenged. This would turn out amusing. And if this were to break out in a series of challenges, he would simply stand back and watch, for his time was better wasted elsewhere.
