
If Your Not In It For Love, I'm Outta Here


02-03-2014, 10:21 AM
{{Ooc:: >.> My Kar muse is going through the roof, haha. ^^ Hope you don't mind the long read.}}

Another gentle nudge in thanks left the brute feeling a bit warm where the female had touched him. Such gentle contact left him feeling happy. As much as he adored Zanire she was not another wolf, and there were some things he missed greatly about interacting with his own kind. Besides that Kar still, deep in his heart, longed to eventually settle down with a fae somewhere. As of now he really only had three official friends -- Zanire, Mako, and Nalyda. There had been something about Raisa that Zanire hadn't liked however, to the point where she made a move to attack her. He wondered, deep down, if it was more than just the worry that she might have used information against them when she found out he was so close with a bear.

Still, Kar would respect Zanire's judgements. As of so far she had always done what was in their best interest, and, looking back, he did recall Raisa mentioning she might not be the easiest to be around. Had Zanire sensed that? It was quite possible. His large, welcoming heart had a tenancy to accept everyone, blind to danger and only looking to be kind. His emerald orbs would flick to Nalyda. She was different from Raisa though, in the way she acted and spoke. She seemed more... delicate than the first fae. He didn't necessarily mean that she couldn't defend herself or anything, but she had less jagged edges that would possibly make Zanire worry about her.

Ah... she had noticed. Kar would listen carefully to her words, just to be cautious, for the promise he made to Zanire, but could detect no ill will in those words. Just conversation and acknowledgement of something. She would add on, and Kar would listen, a larger smile spreading across his face.

"Zanire is a very special friend of mine. To be honest, the funny thing is, I first met her in this same barren place. It seems to be a place of destiny." He would chuckle softly before continuing. "When I first came to Alacritia she was my first friend here. I was cautious of her at first, I wasn't at all too sure what she was, but now we've been together for a couple seasons and I couldn't imagine life without her. We travel around, or at least, did. At the moment we're staying in the South." He would pause, deciding to address the other part of Nalyda's words rather than reveal the fact Zanire was currently injured.

"I am glad to be your friend, Nalyda. I do not have many here in these lands, but the ones I make I intend to keep forever." He would ease into a sitting position, eyes gazing to look to the sky. "You asked me earlier about my life... well..." The brute would close his eyes, going back in his mind. Pulling out the memories.

"When I was a child, I was born in a place called Caelum. I had a littermate, a sister, and she and I eventually went our separate ways. Our father had disappeared before we even born. Even though at that point I was the only pup in a litter I was not lonely. My entire pack was made up by many different family members and relations. It was quite a happy time in my life. I became best friends with a cousin of mine, Grantaire, and another cousin, the prince of the pack, Kino." Slowly Kar would let out a sigh, opening his eyes.

"The mountain we lived in was great, but it was not so mighty as to be immune to mother nature and her duties. Like the storm that shook Alacritia just a few days ago disaster also began to strike my homeland. Natural disasters of all kinds began ravaging the lands. We believed the four Gods to be angry with us, and so we all started to leave. I however, with Grantiare and Kino, lingered longer than we should have. My mother had gone missing... and I was desperate to find her. My friends helped me look but... we never found her... and... then I lost them.

Kino had wandered close to the edge of a cliff near our home, scanning the area below if he could see anything. Grantiare had gone to him, for he seemed to see something but then... the earth began to shift under our paws, shaking like mad." Kar would lower his head. "The ground where they were standing gave way... and both of them fell to their deaths. I still remember their screams... and then nothing but the cruel, dark silence that came after. I called down, hoping, praying that, by some miracle, one of them at least had survived the fall. It was not so.

"I would make my way back to our base camp one last time, in time to see my sister about to leave. We exchanged goodbyes, wishing each other luck on our journeys, and both of us set out on our own path. Before I left Caelum I would encounter the strangest of creatures. I had heard of them, from our scouts, but I would have never believed that they existed. The dogs that had lived in the land called the humans. They were strange creatures with weird sticks that had sharp pieces of metal come out very fast. This metal could injury a wolf very badly, or, in most of the cases I heard, even kill it." Kar would take a breath before continuing on.

"I met a she-wolf, while I was traveling in search of my pack and new home. We became close, but just as I thought nothing would separate us, heck, even that we might one day become mates she disappeared, gone forever. I was heartbroken again, and followed my pack to a new land. However I could not settle there. I felt empty... I had lost my friends, my closest family... and that was when I made the decision to travel here. It was a bit rough at first, meeting a she-wolf who, well, wanted to fight. But after that I met Zanire... and... for the first time in a long while I had hope again." Kar would manage a small smile.

"So yes, as I said, you may just find happiness here." He would pause, going over his next words carefully before he spoke them. "You're a loner like me and Zanire, and I'd love for you to join us, however I do not want to make the same mistake I made last time and make this decision without her. Once we are done here we can head for better lands, and, if you want to join us that is, I'll go talk to her and return to you as soon as I get an answer. She'll likely be wary at first, as a warning, but once she warms up to you as she did to me you'll find she is a very sweet creature, even if her species might suggest otherwise." He would keep Nalyda away from the den until he was sure Zanire wouldn't mind her company, and with the bear injured the way she was he wasn't sure how that would go. Still he would ask, and even if she didn't want Nalyda to know about their den he could always ask her to stay somewhere within a decent traveling distance so they could see each other every day.

Speech, Thought