
anywhere i would've followed you



10 Years
02-03-2014, 12:37 PM

It had been too long since Ara had seen her father. His weariness concerned her, but she knew he was growing old. He needed much time to rest. Once, he had hunted exclusively for their family, but now she found herself growing accustomed to bringing small game back for her parents to share, as they were often not feeling strong enough to go. It seemed her father especially liked to hide his ailments, but the young girl -- while still quite naive, in many aspects -- could not be fooled in this regard.

He seemed to like the lavender plants she brought him, which he would gnaw on until he fell asleep. Often she would wait until he was deepest into sleep, making sure he was not riddled with nightmares or sickness, always vigilant in regards to her parents. She loved them -- and they had cared for her. She could only do the same in return.

And tonight was no different. The sun had begun to set already, casting brilliant colors all over the range. Oranges and pinks and purples, much like the flowers she collected so regularly. Even now, she held a bundle of fresh lavender, picked from the nearby supply that Loccian had shown her. She would be scarce with the herbs, knowing she could not take all of the plant for herself. Others might want to use it.

Quietly she would make her way to her parents' den, peeking in and letting a gentle bark escape her throat, alerting them of her presence. "Dad?" she would question, eyes shining in the darkness as she searched for him.