
Monkey Off Your Back


03-21-2013, 09:34 PM

The gloom of the forest thickened around the no-longer-moving Nurra as she stood still, intently surveying the world for signs of her stalker, but none could be found, nor were any sounds at all but the sinister slight humming of the haunted woodlands. Only the slowly creeping plumes of mist that covered the earth and dominated vision could be seen in any direction. Dreadful moments passed like this, and the dark wolf's heart was racing as an effect of the horrifying situation.

Then her adept ears caught a sound, the slight sound of paws rushing, choked by the fog, but still just audible. Her body tensed and her attention shot toward the disturbance, just in time to see an apparition of ferocity melt from the cloud, dashing toward. In that instant, it seemed to be a terrible beast made of the mists, a clawed and fanged ghost pouncing at the pair that trespassed in it's domain. Nurra managed to hold her heart in, and in a quick move, stepped from the monster's path and faced it.

But the ghost materialized as the lingering mists fell off of it's form, and what stood before Nurra was a very real female wolf wearing fur of a shade that equaled the gloom's. The darker girl eased a bit. Maybe this was just a misunderstanding? "What do you think you're doing? I'm a wolf too!" At that, the restless snake moved up behind her friend's left ear and whispered into it, "It's another wolf? Let me see!"
"じっとして!" said Nurra, though keeping her gaze on the intruder to seem like she wasn't talking to someone else, and hoping that this other wolf wouldn't understand her.

Wisps of mist still clung to her, like tendrils attached to her revenant form
but as the agitated mists started to settle again, it seemed like the silver stranger might fade back into nothing. But Nurra thought, what if this isn't a misunderstanding? "You're not one of those cannibals, are you?" she said, trying to sound confident despite her racing pulse, "You should know that I won't die easy, and I will take you with me!"

[Image: NurraFlourishLeft.png] Mouse over Japanese speech for translation and pronunciation! [Image: NurraFlourishRight.png]