
the vow


03-21-2013, 10:06 PM
Everything was new to her. Her old home (if she could even call it that) was gone, destroyed by natural wreckage, but it had given her the opportunity to flee an unfair slavery, and she dared not return there now - not after all that had happened. Instead, Ainslie had run, run as fast as her nimble legs could carry her, and now she found herself in a world she did not understand and did not know if she ever could. The cold of the high peaks caused her to shiver, her sparse fur whipped about on her thin body and biting down into her flesh, causing a quiet huff to fog her warm breath around her tapered muzzle as she wandered among the redwood trees, half hoping she wouldn't be discovered by any hostile presences. She was still getting used to the fact that years of her life seemed to have simply vanished from her memory, and even after a year that she did recall, it was still odd to her. She had heard some of the story told, but unfortunately for Ainslie, it had not jogged any memories in her bleak mind, and she remained hopelessly in the dark, repeating words that were foreign on her tongue and heavy in her mouth. When she reached a small clearing in the woods, the slightly underweight female reclined back onto her haunches, her tongue lapping against inky jowls as she glanced around in the cool evening, wondering if it would be easy to find a place to bed down in shelter for the night.
