
the vow


03-21-2013, 10:22 PM

Behemoth paws would carry him surprisingly nimbly through the terrain. Icy cold wind chilled him to the bone, but he almost preferred it that way. His throat was dry, but it remained that way most of the time. He was parched and famished. Fur clung loosely to his skin, which hung limply on his frame. He hadn't been eating regularly, but then again the man really didn't have much will to live, so why eat? Bones ached as he descended down a small decline in the turf, finding nothing of interest. That was no surprise. Hardly anything interested the beast, not anymore. A single golden eye blinked in an otherwise inky sea of fur and scars, the other forever shut to the world after an attack by the Mortus Sero King in his previous home. Home. It seemed like so long since he'd actually been able to call anywhere home. Dirac had been home, but he'd been unwillingly separated from them, from her. Single eye would blink slowly, abruptly as her face popped into his memory, swimming just before him tantalizingly. The only one he could honestly say he had ever loved, had ever even wanted to love. A sigh would drift past tired lips as he rocked onto his haunches, the wind carrying his scent where it willed. Saliva dripped from slightly agape jaws as his head rotated to allow his field of vision to increase. With much effort, it would spot the figure of a small canine, definitely not full-wolf. Ainslie popped into his head again, but he shook his crown violently. He could not let himself think of her, could not fall into the stupor of memories of her anymore. Another sigh would drift away as the wind shifted, bringing together a strange and familiar scent to his nostrils. Salivation would increase slightly as the scent filtered through his nostrils and into his sensory cortex where it would be decoded as the scent of someone from his past. Not just someone, Ainslie. The man shook his head again. You're going mad. He would utter in a rasped and rustic tone, tongue sticking to the roof of his mouth when he was finished.
