



02-03-2014, 03:36 PM
So the girl was simply ambitious? That was hard to believe when Isardis was standing behind her, surely whispering sweet nothings in her ears consisting of whatever she wanted when he asked for her to do this for him. Yet Chrysanthe would take the other's words as they were, and harbor no hatred for her - only the unyielding urge to prevail against her. Although she was not an adult, she could smell it, this little lady was naught but a yearling - she managed to be bulky enough to be her full weight, and so size would not present itself as a considerable advantage to the half blind woman. She would have to consider this fight as she went, take in the girl's strengths and weaknesses as she learned them - hopefully rather quickly, during this fight.

The alpha would react immediately after Artemis began running toward her and begin her own charge forward. She would approach Artemis head on, and as the two covered ground to meet each other around half way Chrysanthe would try and level out the angle Artemis came at her by moving slightly to her right as she ran. Meanwhile the alpha's defenses were set. Her eyes were narrowed, ears pinned, and her muzzle crinkled to aide against a grip to it. Her jaws were agape, and her chin tucked to protect her throat. The woman's head was aligned with her spine, her shoulders rolled to protect the sides of her neck, and her hackles were raised along the back of her neck and spine. Her weight was evenly balanced at her core, her legs slightly bent so that her body would be slightly lower to the ground, and her stomach was tightened beneath her. The alpha's tail was raised to aide in keeping her balance, her back legs were squared, and her toes were splayed to ground her while her nails were used for traction against the coming collision.

The two would crash into each other and Chrysanthe's chest bore the damage from Artemis's shoulder, bruising as pain blossomed from the area that had been hit. She would try and even out her breathing, the sudden clash of bodies resulted in a sharp intake of breath, but the woman would remain steady despite the pain. She would not rear backward very far after the clash due to she and Artemis being roughly the same size (although she had height and mass on the other female it was not much), and her squared back legs, splayed toes and dragging nails would help with recoil as well. There would be soreness and definite bruising on the front of her chest, and it blossomed quickly, pulsing with pain at the contact - but such a pain would not deter the alpha this early on. Adrenaline flowed through her, and the chatter of wolves around she and her opponent barely reached her ears as she focused on this very important battle. Hopefully the other's shoulder would be feeling similar pain, the alpha had rushed toward her opponent at what she supposed was a similar speed.

The young female's gaping jaws hung open as she approached the alpha, and as she approached, jaws wide in order to strike the left side of Chrysanthe's face - she would reach quickly and immediately, out of both fear and instinct. She had lost her right eye to the Glaciem Queen, she would do whatever she could to avoid losing her left! Her own teeth aimed to strike Artemis's lower jaw, all it took from the alpha was a slight tilt of her head and a snap since the girl aimed to begin this battle with a wide-mouthed strike to the alpha's face. Her top jaw aimed to bite down over Artemis's tongue in her mouth, and the bottom would attempt to dig into the outer portion of her bottom jaw. If she managed to grip the girl, she would try to yank her bottom jaw downward in an attempt to leave her jaw fractured or possibly broken.

She did not see the other's sweep to her right ankle coming since she is clearly blind in that eye, but her reaction to the sudden yank was to quickly move her leg up and more toward herself in an attempt to get it out of her opponent's way. She would not go without scratches to her ankle from where Artemis grabbed at it, but it was a minuscule pain at best. Once her right leg was free from the yearling's grasp and lifted, she would stamp it back down on the ground - blindly attempting to use it to smash into Artemis's toes and leave possible fractures or breakage. If she missed, her balance would remain upon all four paws once it hit the ground again.

attacks: colliding with Artemis's shoulder with her chest and attempting to leave bruising, attempting to bite artemis's lower jaw and dislocate it, yanking her right paw up and toward her to avoid it being pulled away from her, and then stamping it downward toward Artemis's toes (didn't see it coming, but a natural reaction to the sudden tug)

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, muzzle crinkled, jaws agape, chin tucked, head aligned with spine, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, weight evenly balanced, legs slightly bent, back legs squared, stomach tightened, tail raised, toes splayed, nails used for traction, back legs squared

injuries: moderate bruising to chest, minor scratching to right ankle, damage pending from Artemis's attack with jaws

vs. Artemis for Valhalla

move one of five

code by sam & image by lu