
chasin' shadows, livin' dreams that don't exist


02-03-2014, 03:45 PM

ooc;; anyone who could possibly accept her please <3

This had always been her favorite place in all of Alacritia. Something about the mixture of the cool stone beneath her paws, the how moist air settling all around and the distinct smell of sulfur was soothing almost. This had been her second home despite it's distance from the mountain Tortuga had once resided in. But now the mountain was all but abandoned and these enchanting waters had been claimed by another pack. Though she had never been one to respect other packs, today she stopped at the edge of the scent markings and stared longingly into the steam that rose tantalizingly from the pools of hot waters. She knew these scent markings, she had come to their boarders often in the past when her brother had still been a part of this pack, when Jupiter had still lead it. But as of late when she had come no one had answered her calls. Her brother had not come to see her and she was beginning to worry. A heavy pit of despair beginning to settle in the depths of her stomach.

She needed to know if he was still here, if he was alive an well, if he had left or if she truly had to worry. It was those thoughts that drove the fae's slender crown skyward, inky lips formed an 'o' and a solemn howl slithered forth towards the sky. She needed to speak to someone, anyone who might be able to accept her into this pack. Her brother may have accepted them as his leaders but she didn't quite feel comfortable enough with them yet. She didn't trust them enough to tell her whether or not her brother was here and so she hoped to join this pack and search for him on her own. She didn't wish them any harm but her heart still lay with old Tortuga and she would go back there as soon as she possibly could to be with what remained of her family.

Insidious being would stand languidly at the pack boarders, head lowered respectfully and tail licking at her heels. Wind tugged easily at flame drenched locks while lantern like eyes stared easily into the depths of the lands. What all did this pack own now? How long had she been venturing beyond pack lands that now the whole map of her home was rearranged? Tortuga had slithered up to the north to cuddle with their new allies Glaciem. Valhalla had lost their war and had retreated to the islands, Amenti never seemed to stop moving and Ludicael here had seemed to gather more and more land to them. She had to admit that they had chosen some of the more beautiful territories to collect. Had that been Jupiter's doing or was that the decision of this new leader who had stepped into her place? Vi had heard whispers of the regime changes in the various packs but had yet to meet any of them for herself. Maybe now was a good time to start.

Table by Azil