
Keep In Touch


02-03-2014, 03:46 PM

The young girl's words brought a soft smile to play upon the features of the giantess, her tiara lifting and lowering in a nod of agreement. "Indeed it is, my dear. At the time Song was but the beta of the pack, and she must have seen something in Magnus that looked as if we would be a good pair. She was right." Would come the chuckling lyrics of the alabaster Queen, tall audits flicking to capture the next words of her young companion. Her smile broadened as she shook her head, keeping her moonstone gaze upon the young girl. Surely this little one would find love, she was far too beautiful and kind hearted to be ignored by anyone. When this girl came of age, she would have males crawling to her on their knees and begging for her attention, for she was far to beautiful for anything else. "You have to promise to come and see me very soon, Odette, and I shall teach you all kinds of things about men." She murmured, an affectionate smile curving her dark lips as she looked down at the girl. Regal muzzle would drop from it's immense height and place a small nuzzle at the jaw of the young lady. Hopefully the young dame would, or it would be quite saddening for the ivory wolfess to miss out on teaching the girl valuable skills such as those. Long banner would beat upon the terra once, twice, then three times as she happily watched the features of her companion for a response.