
state of grace


02-03-2014, 04:08 PM
I cut back on my characters thankfully o_0 anyways I need some maybe new plots/ things to do?

Viridiana - Hoping to join Ludicael to try and find her brother but is really only truly loyal to Taurig. Gonna pop out some babies with Creedence soon :P Open to friends, enemies etc. She used to be my cold hearted hoe but she is beginning to mellow in her old age.

Kangi - Turning 2 soon and an adventurer through and through. Loved Talon but couldn't commit to staying in one place for him. Trys to stop into Glaciem every so often but generally just wanders around on her own. Maybe needs a pack? Always more friends, maybe even an enemy? Super happy go lucky, loving of everyone etc. But also very questioning and smart, won't fall for much.

Silana - My one year old mute girl who slithers around the submerged woods. She can speak just needs something big enough to push past that barrier of fear she has put up. Cautious of others, LOVES her brother Aeron but believes she drags him down and he would be better off without her. Needs some friends, not really the type to have enemies since she flees pretty quick at raised voices etc. Maybe a parental figure? Lemmie hear it!

Friction - Pretty closed to plots, he's had a hard life and I want him to just settle and get on with it lol. Have his lovers stop dying o_0 He's about to be a new dad and going to return to Valhalla soon. Maybe some threads with Valhalla members later?