
the vow


03-21-2013, 10:55 PM
He said her name - her name - and the slender woman tensed slightly, her ears twisting back uncertainly as she stared at him, eyelids narrowing around the orange orbs. He drew nearer, and she backed a step for each forward motion he took, wary about this male who seemed to know her, though she was still convinced that she most certainly did not know him. "H-how do you know my name?" she queried, her voice wavering and uncertain. She could not take her eyes off of him, not now, for she was extraordinarily wary in this large wolf's presence, and a slight shiver slithered down her body. Could it be that she knew him, that he was some memory of her past? Oh, if only she could remember! It was times like these that she wished she knew what had happened to her, but the torture of not knowing was eating away at her, and she was indeed considerably emaciated. It was not something she had intended to do, but time had not been kind to the hybrid, and the less she ate, the more difficult hunting became, causing a dangerous cycle that would sooner or later lead to her death. Her toes curled warily into the snows below her nimble frame as the slender woman stared up at the wolf, her brows furrowed and expression guarded.